
Learn about how we breathe new life into Downtown Brooksville.

  • Economic Vitality

    Chair: Justin Noe & Jimmie Ray Rodgers
    Email: &

    Mission: To identify new and unique opportunities within the BMS business district, and find and/or create new uses for commercial properties. Focus on our inviting business network with an atmosphere highlighted by our historic architecture, and unique natural assets while cultivating a dynamic and robust small business ecosystem of entrepreneurs and innovators while stewarding public spaces and historic places.

    Economic Vitality Committee members are entrepreneurs and linear thinkers who are interested in creating a diverse downtown by encouraging awareness of business opportunities within the Main Street district.

  • Design

    Co-chairs: Christopher Rhodes & Christie Williams
    Email: &

    Mission: To create an inviting atmosphere, celebrate historic character, and foster accessible, people-centered public spaces in downtown Brooksville. Enhance the physical and visual assets that set the district apart.

    Design team members are visionaries who can look beyond what is and envision what can be. From artists to architects to contractors, people who know how to bring about change are needed.

  • Promotion

    Co-Chairs: Jody Young

    Mission: To bring exciting events and activities to the Main Street district that will encourage visitors to live, shop and play downtown.

    Promotion Committee members are hosts and lovers of a good party bring ideas and organized minds to make sure it happens! The Promotion Committee markets the district and hosts energetic events that help develop the community.

  • Organization

    Co-Chairs: Keith Marcelle & Jennifer Rey
    Email: &
    To create a strong foundation for a sustainable revitalization effort, including cultivating partnerships, community involvement, and resources for the district.

    People who love networking belong here - people who know people and who know people who know people. This team is all about building an ever-growing network of community partners.

    The organization committee makes sure our work can continue by creating a wide variety of partnerships.

    • Business memberships

    • Sponsorships

    • Fundraisers

    • Fan Social Media Subscriptions

    • BMS merchandise