Beautify your city!

Calling all landscapers, gardeners, pressure washers, residents and downtown advocates! The Spring edition of Beautify Brooksville is now underway!

Join the Brooksville Main Street Board of Directors and the Design Committee for the biannual Beautify Brooksville as we pull up our sleeves to clean, weed, paint, pressure wash and take care of this gorgeous City that we call home!

We will be targeting the beautification of Main Street, Russell Street Park and the Train Depot as well as other downtown side streets!

This feel-good event is full of friendly faces that grow each time we meet! If you have pride in Brooksville, want to see Her flourish and have an itch to volunteer for your community, come on out!

The event will be on Saturday, April 5th from 8am-12pm.

Click this link to register to volunteer!

Volunteers should check-in at Russell Street Park located at 28 Russell Street in downtown Brooksville (by the Historic 1885 Train Depot) to pick your beautifying task. Assignments will be provided at check in! Don't forget to wear your Beautify Brooksville t-shirt!

Visit our Facebook page for more details or our event calendar for more information.